We aim to create change
in four stages:

Our work with practices participating in EPT will include:

Co-Design with Participating Practices

We want to create support that works for EPT practices. We will work with practices to understand their pain points, priorities, and goals and to design technical assistance that is responsive to their needs. We will refine the technical assistance that we provide based on practices’ changing needs over time.

Facilitated Learning

Practices will take part in ‘practice tracks’ with peers from similar organizations, led by a skilled facilitator and content expert. Each practice track will serve as a learning community to apply core content, surface bright spots, raise questions, and build shared commitments to practice transformation. In the practice tracks, practices will be supported in achieving EPT milestones and receiving directed payments to invest in care delivery.

On-Demand Content

Practices will learn and apply knowledge to ensure foundational capabilities in core topic areas: empanelment, data and technology, and approaches to people-centered care, oriented around specific populations of focus.  Practices can choose to engage in other topic areas: evidence-based care models, value-based payment, leadership and culture, behavioral health integration, and social health. Content will be available on demand and in multiple formats, to be accessible to all practices.