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We are the

Population Health
Learning Center.


We are a new organization catalyzing population health transformation statewide.

We want to be part of building an equitable health care system that works for all Californians.  To support this change we will: 

Align to achieve impact

We align siloed efforts among purchasers, payers, and providers around common models and practices to advance population health.

Accelerate efforts to address health inequities

We concentrate efforts to optimize population health practice in the communities that need it most. 

Leverage complementary expertise at scale

We bring together experts in the field and leverage their diverse strengths to create impact across the California delivery system.

anchor program

Equity and Practice
Transformation Program

The Learning Center serves as the Program Office for the Department of Health Care Services’ (DHCS) Equity and Practice Transformation (EPT) payments program.  EPT is a $140 million primary care practice transformation program that began in January 2024. It aims to advance health equity and address COVID-19-driven care disparities, enhancing the health and wellness of Medi-Cal enrollees. A diverse cohort of over 200 practices were selected to participate. Together, these practices provide care for 2.3 million Medi-Cal enrollees across 52 counties.

As the EPT Program Office, the Learning Center is supporting care transformation with participating practices. This includes co-designed and responsive technical assistance to optimize practices’ population health management capabilities and implementation of evidence-based models to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities.

Questions? Check out our FAQs.


We aim to create change
in four stages:

Our work with practices participating in EPT will include:

Co-Design with Participating Practices

We want to create support that works for EPT practices. We will work with practices to understand their pain points, priorities, and goals and to design technical assistance that is responsive to their needs. We will refine the technical assistance that we provide based on practices’ changing needs over time.

Facilitated Learning

Practices will take part in ‘practice tracks’ with peers from similar organizations, led by a skilled facilitator and content expert. Each practice track will serve as a learning community to apply core content, surface bright spots, raise questions, and build shared commitments to practice transformation. In the practice tracks, practices will be supported in achieving EPT milestones and receiving directed payments to invest in care delivery.

On-Demand Content

Practices will learn and apply knowledge to ensure foundational capabilities in core topic areas: empanelment, data and technology, and approaches to people-centered care, oriented around specific populations of focus.  Practices can choose to engage in other topic areas: evidence-based care models, value-based payment, leadership and culture, behavioral health integration, and social health. Content will be available on demand and in multiple formats, to be accessible to all practices.


Participating Practices

Over 200 practices are participating in the first EPT cohort. The practices are a mix of federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), tribal health clinics, private healthcare practices, public hospital systems, and others. A list of EPT participating practices is available here on the DHCS website.


Partnerships with diverse organizations

The Department of Health Care Services, Kaiser Permanente and California Health Care Foundation have supported the establishment of the Population Health Learning Center. Many partners are critical to the success of this work, including Medi-Cal managed care plans, community organizations, and technical assistance providers.

We are building partnerships with diverse organizations across the Medi-Cal delivery ecosystem. Contact us if you are interested in exploring partnership.

For Technical Assistance Partners

We are looking for partners to support the technical assistance model. We will be releasing an application to interested organizations in late February. Please email if you would like to receive the application.

For Participating Managed Care Plans

To learn more about MCPs role in EPT, please find more info here or connect with us via email at to discuss coordination of TA and supporting the coaching pool