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EPT Office Hours: Quality Improvement

An optional office hours on incorporating a quality improvement approach into EPT. Learn how to conduct small tests of change and apply them to the EPT access and empanelment building blocks.

EPT Office Hours: Quality Improvement

An optional office hours on incorporating a quality improvement approach into EPT. Learn how to conduct small tests of change and apply them to the EPT access and empanelment building blocks.

EPT Office Hours: Quality Improvement

An optional office hours on incorporating a quality improvement approach into EPT. Learn how to conduct small tests of change and apply them to the EPT access and empanelment building blocks.

Redwood Learning Community

Learning sessions are 4-hour long, virtual sessions facilitated by subject matter experts that EPT practices attend with their assigned Learning Communities (Palm, Redwood or Sequoia).

Palm Learning Community

Learning sessions are 4-hour long, virtual sessions facilitated by subject matter experts that EPT practices attend with their assigned Learning Communities (Palm, Redwood or Sequoia).

Sequoia Learning Community

Learning sessions are 4-hour long, virtual sessions facilitated by subject matter experts that EPT practices attend with their assigned Learning Communities (Palm, Redwood or Sequoia).